Gymea Technology High School

Inspire Learn Succeed

Telephone02 9521 3244

Pastoral Care – Individualising Success for all Students

Pastoral Care – Individualising Success for all Students

Key Points

  • ​​Pastoral care is a provision of support for students to develop with their academic, emotional and welfare needs.

  • This is a new initiative at Gymea, stemming from the 2021 lock down Check-In phone calls.

  • The aim of the program is to provide every student with individualised support through small group connections.

  • The program has seen much positive feedback from our staff and students after the pilot last year.

An initiative that stemmed from the lock down in 2021 is our Pastoral Care program for all students. What we saw through the many phone calls home that our teachers made during that lock down period was a connection across the school that was too good to lose. Transforming the check-in calls brought about the idea for the Pastoral Care program, where small group sessions are delivered to all junior students every Thursday through a designated period on our timetable, while providing our seniors with time to meet as a year group and focus on crucial skills for success in their final years. 

​​Pastoral care is a provision of support for students to develop with their academic, emotional and welfare needs. It is structured at Gymea in a manner where a teacher can build strong connections with every student in their small group in an individual way. Students are linked up in groups of 10-12 with a teacher they know who will continue with their group throughout the year. Each week, the Pastoral Care session will focus on a significant theme for our students such as respectful relationships and positive habits for academic success. During the session, students will have a chance to connect with their teacher and each other, discuss elements around the key themes and reflect on their own performance and growth as an individual. 

The trial of this program that ran through the second half of Term 4 last year saw so many of our staff and students highly valuing this approach to every student’s wellbeing and success at school. This week saw our Pastoral Care groups meeting to discuss those ideas around being respectful and successful listeners with much positive feedback given. Stay tuned to hear more about this program throughout the year!