Our 2024 Year 12 students have continuously strived for strong results since their HSC studies commenced in Term 4 last year, with their collective determination successfully leading them through their Half Yearly examinations this term.
This last fortnight of exams has provided our Year 12 students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience, processes and procedures of the HSC examinations. Our staff have been committed to ensuring the delivery of our Half Yearly examinations mirrors exactly the experience they will undertake as they hit that crucial point of their HSC journey. More importantly, our Year 12 students have outstandingly risen to the challenge with every single student ensuring their timeliness and preparedness for each and every examination.
Prior to the Half Yearly examinations commencing, our students were engaged in a range of preparation tasks across the school, including review task through their formative homework. A group of our high potential students were also invited to participate in a study skills session lead by a number of our high performing alumni students from the 2023 and 2020 HSC groups who provided them with pointed advice and shared their ideas and strategies for how to maximise their individual study at home.
The Half Yearly examinations will provide our students and their families with a snapshot of their current Year 12 progress and allow us to use their performance data to provide targeted advice around how they are currently tracking towards their final HSC marks in each of their subjects. This processes of data analysis of each students individual formal examination performance is part of our senior Academic Guidance program, a program we have continued to deliver for our senior students here at Gymea year after year.
The Academic Guidance Program aims to support students continued improvement and aspirational drive for their individual best in their HSC performance by providing them a projection of how their performance across each of their courses is contributing to their final HSC mark aligned with a strong reflection of their current engagement and task completion. Our Year 12 students will once again engage in this process early next term as their Half Yearly results are finalised.
We are incredibly proud of Year 12’s continued efforts and the outstanding manner in which they have committed themselves to their Half Yearly examinations. Congratulations, Year 12.