Reading independently boosts vocabulary, comprehension and writing skills. It also develops stamina for our brains and opens doors to new ways of thinking and living. But sometimes, it is so difficult to find the time to read even though we know how beneficial this is for us.
As we begin 2024, The English Faculty has implemented a new Reading Program – Read Up - for every student in Years 7-10. At the start of every English lesson, students engage in 10 minutes of independent reading. To prepare our students for academic success and a lifelong love of reading, students have been provided with a wide selection of reading genres, authors, and styles by their classroom teachers as a part of their classroom library but are also encouraged to bring in their own texts to read, which many students have done!
All students across all classes have thoroughly enjoyed this initiative so far this year, taking the time to get settled into their learning with quiet reading of their choice, immersing themselves in a wide variety of texts like magazines, picture books and novels.
As our students progress through their study of English, they are required to build their reading stamina of more sophisticated texts. Our English teachers are looking forward to their classes enjoying their reading, introducing them to new authors and receiving recommendations from their students.