Gymea Technology High School

Inspire Learn Succeed

Telephone02 9521 3244

Strong Start for 2024

Strong Start for 2024 Photo

Key Points

  • We sincerely thank our families for the strong partnerships we have enjoyed in 2023. That link between families, students and staff supports positive and successful school experiences for every child. Our strongest successes are where this partnership is evident and valued and we look forward to this continuing in 2024.
  • Our school is characterised by wonderful students each with their own goals and aspirations. We are focused on supporting their individual journeys as they navigate the complexities of adolescent life and their high school curriculum.
  • Successful learning is where all students are focused in classrooms, where interactions are always respectful, and students and teachers are focused positively on learning. With the wonderful gains made throughout this year, we will continue to teach students the skills to be successful at school and set and respond to high expectations for successful learning.

Student Timetables

  • Student timetables will be made available through the MyGymea app and web platform from the middle of January and will be accessible to students prior to their first day back at school.

  • Year 7 students and students new to Gymea will see their timetables on MyGymea after their first day at school as they roll into our systems and will be provided with a printed timetable on their first day.

  • Printed student timetables will be made available on Day 1 from the office as requested for those students who could not access MyGymea.

  • 2024 year group Google classrooms will be created which will provide updates as well as a link to queries and changes for subject electives for students in years 9, 10 and 11. 

  • We ask all students to enter into their Year Group Google Classroom in the week before school starts and complete a set task to assist in getting organised for the new year.

The Senior Timetable for Years 11 and 12

This is the first year of schooling for Year 11 students where they will predominantly study courses they have individually chosen to study. It is different from junior school so below are some key pieces of information on what makes it different.

  • Periods with no scheduled class: Students may have a period free on their timetable at different points throughout the week. These are classed as study periods and are times where students should look to make use of the library, a spare classroom or many of the different outdoor tables to stay on top of their work.

  • Period 0 and 7: There will be some students who have a Period 0 or 7 scheduled on their timetable. Period 0 starts at 7:50am and is their first scheduled period of the day and their official roll mark for the day. Period 7 commences at 3:00pm and finishes at 3:50pm. 

  • First and last periods with no class: Roll call is based on the student’s first period of the day. If a student does not have a scheduled class period 1, then their scheduled start is period 2. Likewise, if their last scheduled period is Period 5, then they finish school for the day at the end of that period. Students cannot leave school between their first and last period of the day.

  • Curriculum Day: To help reduce the number of non-scheduled periods on any day, the senior curriculum has been scheduled into a 9 day fortnight. Every second Wednesday (Week A for Year 12 and Week B for Year 11) will be regarded as a Curriculum Day and attendance is not required at school unless (for some) there are some classes scheduled on that day. This day may be used to run curriculum initiatives but will primarily be available for students to study from home to keep on top of course work and build their study in each of their courses.

Be prepared with full school uniform

  • Gymea Technology High School is a uniform school. Students must be in full school uniform each day.

  • The wearing of school uniform helps to promote a sense of belonging, positive identity and also contributes to the personal safety of all students.

  • It is an expectation that all students begin the school year prepared for learning and in full school uniform.

  • We sincerely thank our families for their support throughout Term 4 2023 in ensuring our students are in full school uniform every day. We look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure the consistency of our school’s uniform expectations. 

  • Items that belong to our full school uniform and sports uniform are outlined on our Community Link site, as well as links to pay and purchase items directly.

Be organised with the right equipment and devices for learning

  • Success with learning starts with being prepared with the right equipment, including their digital devices.

  • Purchasing the right digital device is a personal choice, but we have complied some information to help guide families on what is right for them and their child. 

  • To ensure your child is organised and ready for a successful start to the new school year, we have also prepared a list of required stationary items for learning in 2024.

  • Click to see our Digital Device Guide and our Stationary Flyer for further information and indicative prices from local retailers. 

  • For Senior Students, click to see a short video on preparing for your senior studies.

Be aspirational with formative homework in 2024

  • Our weekly formative tasks and accompanying progress summaries will continue in 2024 and provide a regular snapshot of each student’s individual progress with their learning here at Gymea.

  • Junior students receive a weekly homework task for all four core subjects (English, Maths, Science, History/Geography) and a fortnightly homework task for all remaining subjects.

  • Senior formative tasks are delivered each week across all senior courses and are based on HSC content and exam preparation.

  • All tasks are required to be submitted by Sunday evening for both juniors and seniors and are marked with feedback provided by teachers during the following week. This information then flows through to the next available Progress Summary emailed home. 

  • Parents can access a series of quick videos on how you and your child can access and submit their homework tasks on our Community Link site.

  • Click to see further information and our guidance videos.

Be informed with the Mobile Phone Policy

  • Thank you for the overwhelming support we have enjoyed with our families throughout Term 4 2023 surrounding the Governments regulations on mobile phones at school.

  • Our “Off and away” policy along with the interventions for students who have required that additional support have been very successful and illustrate so well the positive influence and change we can make where families, staff and students work in partnership. 

  • Government regulations will continue in 2024 and stipulate that mobile phones are banned from schools. As such, our “Off and Away” policy and targeted interventions where required will continue in 2024. 

  • Outside of a couple of exemptions, such as for medical needs, student mobile phones must be turned off and put away in their bags from the moment they enter the school gate until they leave the school at the end of the day. There are regular school processes to keep that expectation clear on everyone’s minds.