Gymea Technology High School

Inspire Learn Succeed

Telephone02 9521 3244

Students kick into learning

Yr 7 girls learning

Key Points

  • All classes across 7-12 began a successful first week back with a strong and consistent start to learning in 2024 as classroom teachers guided students through those strategies that bring about success with learning.
  • Our Year Group Assemblies on Thursday and Friday helped to reinforce our high expectations of engagement and organisation set across all classrooms this week.
  • Congratulations to all students across the school on your determined start to your learning.

The beginning of the new school year is an exciting time as students reconnect with each other, their teachers and their school. It is also the time where teachers lead their classes and year groups through key information to ensure a strong and positive start to the school year. This first week back saw all classes kick into the start of their learning with high expectations of consistent effort across classrooms. 

All classrooms begun 2024 focused on reinforcing our positive expectations of respectful relationships and engagement in learning, and outlining our consistent classroom routines to help ensure a strong focus on learning. The first week of Formative Tasks were also delivered across core subjects with students jumping straight into their routines for learning. These tasks will be reflected in the first round of progress summaries sent later next week. These messages were also reflected by Mr Marsh, our Principal in a whole school assembly, setting the tone for a successful first week of learning. 

We finalised this week with all students from 7-12 participating in a year assembly led by their respective Deputy Principal to build on these introductory lessons delivered by their teachers. The focus of these assemblies was to not only to reinforce our expectations of learning, engagement and respect for everyone, but also to provide advice about how to start the year off organised, on top of the formative tasks and assessments and to get involved in all of the fantastic opportunities that are available to our students. 

To ensure a strong start, each year groups Assessment Schedules outlining all formal assessment tasks student will be required to sit for each of the subjects they study were distributed to students. Spare copies of these schedules are available from the front office and the digital version is available on our Community Link site under the learning tab for each year group.

This term will see the Prefects Valentine’s Day fundraiser kick off the years events with joy spread across the school along with our Swimming Carnival and the school’s Open Night that students can become involved in over the next 3 weeks. There are also the many excursions and incursions, knock-out sports groups and dance, drama and technology teams that students can join to immerse themselves in the fantastic school they belong to.

The key themes throughout all lessons and assemblies held this week were a strong focus on working together and striving for your best. Success is individual for everyone, but is brought about by strong attendance, strong engagement and a strong focus on completing all tasks to the best of their ability. These key pillars of success are reflected in our Positive Behaviour for Learning goals and are something that drives the positive culture we enjoy here at Gymea every day. 

Our school enjoys a wonderfully positive, nurturing environment where staff and students work together so well to ensure that everyone is respected and recognised for their efforts. It is what drives everything we do at Gymea and see our senior students striving higher and higher each year, landing those successful pathways with ease. We are very proud of the fantastic things our students do every day. 

Congratulations to all of our students on such a strong and successful start to the school year.